Anny Bloch

Anny Bloch

Chercheure en sciences sociales

Pourquoi ce site ? Pour mettre à la disposition des étudiants, des chercheurs, voire des curieux mes travaux de sociologie et d'anthropologie autour des judaïsmes. Vous y découvrirez aussi mes écrits sur les thématiques de l'eau, des paysages et des frontières.

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Some of my papers are now in English:

Boulebleue Languages, Ways of Cooking and Religion: French Inspiration, Jewish Rites and Creole Practices

For ethnologists, the cuisine is the expression of cultural history and identity, communication and performance. Foodways show how the Southern Jewish communities choose to express diverse cultural roots. [ More ... ]

Boulebleue How did the Jewish Population Survive in the Cevennes Mountains (1940-1944)? Historical versus Ethnological Perspectives.

The paper gives an overview of the ways that more than 1000 Jewish refugees in the Cevennes Mountains survived during the Second World War. It highlights how the victims played an active role in pursuing everyday life. [Read the abstract +]

Boulebleue Going back to Vialas: Retracing my Family History.The Baby Must not Cry.

How did my family get protected during the War in the town of Vialas ? A round up the day I was born. [More ... ]

Boulebleue Enjoy reading my book in English :

From the Banks of the Rhine to the Banks of the Mississippi : The History of Jewish Immigrants and Their Individual Stories, translated from the French by Catherine Temerson, published by Janaway Publishing, Inc, 2014.
Hurry up, buy hard and soft cover or Kindle Edition on Amazon or Barnes&Noble
Read the rewiew by Helen Y. Herman, Brookline, MA

Boulebleue Doctoral dissertation (abstract) :

From the Banks of the Rhine River to the Banks of the Mississippi River : A New Cultural Beginning. Jewish Migrants who had settled along the Rhine Valley from the XIXth to the XXth Century.
PHD defended in Strasbourg, Université Marc Bloch, November 24th, 2006.

"French and German Jewish migrants have settled along the Rhine valley for four generations and have told the story of their travels and their adaptation to the new continent." [ [More ... ]

Boulebleue Mercy on Rude Streams : Jewish Emigrants from Alsace-Lorraine to the Lower Mississippi Region and the Concept of Fidelity.

Can an act of implied rejection actually be an act of affirmation? Is it possible to remain faithful to one’s country by leaving it? In the mid to late nineteenth century, Jews left the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine in eastern France and emigrated to the American South, particularly to the area along the Mississippi river. At least one wave of emigration. [More ...]

BoulebleueEnemies abroad, Friends in the United States : Jewish Diaspora from Alsace-Lorraine vs. Jewish Diaspora From Germany, 19th century-20th century.

The study of Diasporas is confronted with national issues. Here are two nations German and French which are on process of construction and are facing each other along the border. From a socio-historical perspective, I observe how Jewish Diasporas which are supposed to be transnational are faced with national phenomenon. [More ...]

BoulebleueLeaving Alsace Lorraine and Blending into Louisiana : The Issue of Belonging and Loyalty To Host and Home Countries.

The essentially rural, Jewish migration away from Alsace-Lorraine towards the United States has to be put into the context of the massive European nineteenth immigration to the United States, mainly Italian, German and Russian immigration. French immigration to America at the same period was of much less importance. The main departures were located in the Southwest (pays basque), southeast (Alps) and East of France (Alsace-Lorraine). As far as the Alsace-Lorraine immigration is concerned, it is clearly divided into two main successive waves: 1815-1860 and 1880-1930. [More ...] Listen to two presentations I gave during the International Jewish Genealogy Conference held from the 14th to 19 August 2011 in Washington. [More ...]